Attero Tractus

You'll never get the time you spend here back.................................. I cautioned you,remember that.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

But, Ice Cube had mo Amps... git in B'ch..

So, like here I am gettin all freaky an stuff..... an by freaky I mean trying to create my own animated .GIF file. I did it too. With flash, it be somewhat easy, somewhat, considering my idea of using animation programs is a stack of post-its and a stickman. Anywho, having completed a really really lame dancing stick figure turns out I could not find anywhere to host it. Imagine that! Freakin free services!!!!

Oh well, enjoy the lil blue dude up top....

Or, Behold..... Little Ash....

Just try an touch her Ma'lt Liq'r.......... Cracka!!!


At 5:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I told you already Ryan, it was only a *little* bit of whisky and it was only while I was teething!!!!!!


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