Attero Tractus

You'll never get the time you spend here back.................................. I cautioned you,remember that.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Ra-ta-ta-ta Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-tah.......

Booyavard catering so good leave ya sayin blah-blah-blah!!

We worked it... needed more than wata!!!

Many thanks to Tatie, Ashley and Cathy!! Oh, and the dude that just showed up in a tux... he was mad help. I still can not believe that whole night did not turn into one big disaster. Also, I am wondering if I should put that I worked for one brief shining moment for the Boulevard Club on my resume.... probably not.

I apologize for the lack of postings, I've been a tad busy. Tomorrow, I have off. More hijinx to follow.



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