Sometimes all it takes is one little thing.....
Just when you think things might be returning back to a somewhat normal state, all it can take is a few words to bring you right back to where you were. Strange how that can happen.
I am thinking a change of view might be needed, however, this is all just reactionary and probably is a frivolous thought. Whats worse, Leaf leads get blown more than I do. Boo!
Now I gotta figure out who to cheer for in the playoffs as my Oilers are deader than a Pakistani Cricket player. I think it is between Buffalo or the Islanders if they can sqeak in.
Oh well, back to my book.... Hey, did you know that in ancient Hebrew "Nagar" not only meant learned but skilled labourer. I mention this only because the idea of Jesus as a Carpenter was heavily based on the translation of that word. What could he have been educated in? I am starting to think it was the Cult of Isis, inwich Mary of Bethany was a member... and Mary of Bethany might be the same person as Mary Magdelaine... certainly makes you wonder just how much we actually know or do not know.
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