Ishmael... (AX)... You will be hearing alot about this...
Odd how the mind works. Even Odder is what sparks a thought. Tonight, I, like most were probably watching the on going coverage of the horrid violence that occurred at VT. In watching, something occurred to me.... This is the result of my thought process. In no way is any of this factual, important, or even worth a look. These are my thoughts and conjectures.. I in no way know what the hell I am talking about, however, maybe this is my way of trying to make sense of the nonsense.
Apparently the gunman, had some scribblings on his arm... (AX ISHMAEL), also on the return address of the package he sent to NBC, ax ishmael was used. I refuse to name the shooter, because, well... why bother give the devil more press. In fact, I probably should not even be doing this, but, again, I am just trying to make sense of this like everyone else is.
Something struck me as odd about this. The name I know well, as will most who have ever picked up a Bible or even the Koran.. a very prevalent name. It is the AX part that is somewhat confusing to me. I thought it might be a AD mistranslated, or the marker ran off during the events of the day, meaning he was the second coming of one of the sons of Abraham, the original chosen person. Depending on what side of the books you are on, this could make sense, but really, things like this are insanely hard to try and figure out. On one side you have the word which basically says if it is decreed it is justified, on the other side it is a crime against moral majority... which is silly and circular because, much of the moral majority is based on the word.
So none of this was helping me understand... Granted, it would be entirely easier for me to just think that he was a lunatic and there really is nothing to understand, however, I am not wired that way. A shame, because I would so much rather not being kept up by thoughts like this.
Anyways, what the hell could any of this mean?
Then it hit me, a book, one in which any English major would have read over the past few years. The book revolves around a telepathic primate named Ishmael and a character named Andrew lomaX. AX... Alpha Omega connection maybe.. who knows... just struck me as odd. Especially since part of the theory of this book hinges on who decides who gets to live and who does not. Again, I am not going to go deeper into this, because, I am probably way out of my element here, but, in my mind, it is enough.
Never enough to justify the dead and the suffering, of the recent events, but enough for me to actually have no pity for the guilty, because, in all the anger, all the hatred, one vital aspect of all the literature was missed. That is this, the underlying premise of all words (in my mind, and that does not mean much, but it is what I have), and that is this.. "You shall be treated as you treat." I know horrid paraphrase, but, it is what I understand....
Hopefully I can sleep now... doubtful....